7:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+02:00) 202513feb7:00 pm7:00 pmBlue Crane Restaurantmet Van Meer
February 13, 2025 7:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT+02:00) 202515feb1:00 pm6:00 pmLoopstraat, Potchefstroommet Illimar Neitz
February 15, 2025 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
Valiant Swart and Illimar Neitz will perform two sets of 45 minutes each on 16 February 2025 at Fire Cafe and Gin Lounge. Valiant will give his famous musical
Valiant Swart and Illimar Neitz will perform two sets of 45 minutes each on 16 February 2025 at Fire Cafe and Gin Lounge.
Valiant will give his famous musical performance of original compositions.
House signature dishes and Alcoholic beverages available. No coolers allowed.
Parking available (Indicators to be given on the day of the performance)
Disability Friendly (Wheelchair ramps available, throughout the venue)
PHONE: 012 880 26 35
EMAIL: support@tixsa.co.za
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5 pm
Saturdays: 10am to 2pm
Sundays: 10am to 1pm
Public Holidays: 10am to 1pm
February 16, 2025 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm(GMT+02:00)
Op Sondag 23 Februarie 2025 vind ‘n baie spesiale geleentheid plaas by Daisy Jones Bar… Dis die 25ste verjaarsdag van Valiant Swart
Op Sondag 23 Februarie 2025 vind ‘n baie spesiale geleentheid plaas by Daisy Jones Bar…
Dis die 25ste verjaarsdag van Valiant Swart se album Deur Die Donker Vallei!
En dis ook die launch paartie van die DONKER VALLEI VINYL ALBUM RELEASE!
Ons vier dit met ‘n LIVE konsert bestaande uit die oorspronklike band wat die album saam met my opgeneem het: Schalk Joubert, Albert Frost, Simon Orange… En ons dra die konsert op aan Vernon Swart, ons dierbare drummer van meer as twee dekades, wat ook die ikoniese album cover kunswerk geskilder het.
Ons gaan spesiale gaskunstenaars op die verhoog kry, en ons gaan dans en sing, en die kitare laat huil soos innie ouuuu dae!!!
Sondag 25 Feb 2025
Deure: 13h00
Vertoning: 15h00
Tafel besprekings noodsaaklik: WhatsApp 0649682015 (Let asb dit is tafeldeling)
Kaartjies is beperk: R250 aanlyn by Quicket: https://qkt.io/cNtfWH
February 23, 2025 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+02:00) 202505mar7:00 pm10:00 pmBurgersdorp Kreatiefmet Illimar Neitz
Gebruik die skakel om kaartjies te koop @ R150, ligte ete ingesluit.Gratis toegang vir alle skoolkinders indien jy vooraf bespreek het.
Gebruik die skakel om kaartjies te koop @ R150, ligte ete ingesluit.
Gratis toegang vir alle skoolkinders indien jy vooraf bespreek het.
5 Maart / Jou naam
March 5, 2025 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT+02:00) 202506mar6:30 pm8:30 pmFauresmith - Karoohuis Teatermet Illimar Neitz
Konsertgangers kan uitsien na ‘n program gevul met top-Afrikaanse liedjies uit Valiant se pen. Met sy blues-kitaar en bekfluitjie neem hy die gehoor saam met
Konsertgangers kan uitsien na ‘n program gevul met top-Afrikaanse liedjies uit Valiant se pen. Met sy blues-kitaar en bekfluitjie neem hy die gehoor saam met hom op reis deur die talle bestemmings wat hy op sy ruk-en-rol avonture aandoen, en stel hulle voor aan die karakters wat hy op die langpad teekom. Sy sielvolle woorde en wysies is deurspek met humor en deernis, en bekoor reeds die afgelope 34 jaar aanhangers landwyd.
March 6, 2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT+02:00)
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+02:00) 202507mar8:00 pm10:00 pmAasvoël Klub - Bloemfonteinmet Illimar Neitz
Die legendariese Valiant Swart is weer na jare by die Aasvoel klub Bloemfontein. R150pp. Besprekings whats up of bel 0845598991
Die legendariese Valiant Swart is weer na jare by die Aasvoel klub Bloemfontein. R150pp. Besprekings whats up of bel 0845598991
March 7, 2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
8:00 pm - 8:31 pm(GMT+02:00) 202508mar8:00 pm8:31 pmClarens - Posthouse Centermet Illimar Neitz
Valiant’s solo performances are the stuff of legend. With his acoustic guitar and harmonica, he combines his classic songs – some poignant, some sad, some
Valiant’s solo performances are the stuff of legend. With his acoustic guitar and harmonica, he combines his classic songs – some poignant, some sad, some absolutely hilarious, with the storytelling style of a true raconteur.
Venue – Posthouse Center | Addy Hoyle Gallery, Clarens
March 8, 2025 8:00 pm - 8:31 pm(GMT+02:00)
A selection of songs by Valiant Swart celebrating the female characters who have populated his songs during a career spanning more than 30 years. Some
A selection of songs by Valiant Swart celebrating the female characters who have populated his songs during a career spanning more than 30 years. Some are melancholy, some jolly, others fiesty and reckless, many mysterious and some just the average girl next door. Valiant is joined by guitar maestro Illimar Neitz.
March 19, 2025 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
March 28, 2025 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT+02:00)
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